The Speak UP Step UP Campaign builds upon the culture of dignity and respect that we always strive to uphold at the University of Portsmouth. The campaign is supported by University of Portsmouth Students’ Union. 

The campaign encourages students to recognise that they have an active role to play in promoting and maintaining a culture of dignity and respect. There are three connecting issues being addressed by the campaign: Bullying and harassment; Sexual violence and sexual consent; Discrimination and hate crime

To play your part in the campaign you can ‘speak up and step up’ by:
  • Using the Report and Support Form to record any experience of harassment, bullying, violence, or discrimination that you have experienced or witnessed.
  • Learning more about being an 'active bystander' - e.g. Completing the Speak UP Step UP introductory leadership training.
  • Applying to become a Speak UP Step UP Champion - email to express your interest.

Report and Support Form

The University is committed to fostering an inclusive culture where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The Report and Support Form is an anonymous tool to record any incident or situation that falls short of this aim so the University is made aware of the experiences of students.

The form is not a formal report and no further action will be taken as a result of completing it. You can choose to leave your name and contact details in order to be contacted with confidential advice and support, and can then make a decision about any further action if needed.

Leadership and bystander intervention

The most effective way to tackle bullying and harassment is when everyone in a community is committed to ‘speak up and step up’ when they see or hear someone being treated with disrespect. This can be as simple as offering your support to the person or calling someone else to intervene - the golden rule is to ensure that whatever you do can be done safely. You can also ‘speak up and step up’ by using the Speak UP form to record any issues you have witnessed. 

Many small actions can add up to make a real difference - bystander intervention is not about big, heroic gestures, but about constructive contributions that you feel safe and comfortable to undertake.

Being a Speak UP Step UP Champion 

The Speak UP Step UP leadership training equips students to be role models and show leadership in their own sphere of influence. This is especially relevant if you are in a peer-facing role, such as Course Rep, UPSU Committee, Welcome or other Ambassador, Studentwatch, etc. But any student who completes this introductory training can apply to be a Speak UP Step UP Champion, putting their learning into practice in specific campaigns or projects.

Speak UP Step UP Champions earn hoodies, are eligible for prizes and awards, and have their achievements entered on their HEAR record.

If you are interested to learn more or to apply for training to be a Speak UP Step UP Champion please email

  • Student Wellbeing Service: +44 (0)23 9284 3466,, Nuffield Centre
  • Sort It Out conflict resolution service and Student Unions’ Advice Service: +44 (0)23 9284 3478,, Student Union Building
  • Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service: +44 (0)23 9266 9513,
  • Police: 101 (or 999 for emergencies)
  • Support after sexual assault: Treetops +44 (0)300 123 6616