This type of report is confidential.
We WILL be able to act on the information or respond to you in person. If you do not wish to be contacted you can use the anonymous report

What will happen if I submit an informal report?
- You will be contacted via the details provided and offered support, advice, and guidance.

- Students will be contacted by a member of an appropriate Student Support Service.

- Staff will be contacted by a member of the HR Business Partnering Team.

How we will use the information provided in an informal report:

- The information you provide will remain confidential, and will not be passed on to anyone else without your permission.

- This type of report is NOT a formal complaint and it does not commit you to making one.  On its own, an informal report will not result in action being taken or any formal record being made because without your active co-operation an investigation cannot take place, and allegations cannot be acted upon. The advice and guidance provided may result in you deciding to instigate a formal process.

- The only exception to this is if we feel there is an unacceptable risk to an individual, such as concerns related to someone's  safety or wellbeing, or risk to the University.

- This type of report DOES NOT commit you to make a formal complaint.

- We will compile anonymous, aggregated data reports from the information you provide. This will help us understand what kinds of incidents are taking place within our community and support us in taking positive action.

-Reports on data collected will be presented to relevant organisational committees so they are able to have a better understanding of what staff and students experience.

- The information you provide will be held for 12 months before being deleted. If you wish to have your data deleted before then please email